About Tactical Numbers

Tactical numbers is the junction of the two things I love the most in sports: tactics and technic. Tactics are represented both on individual and group levels, as players belong to greater units and should recreate previous trained situations but still have the power to make their own decisions and employ their technical skills, turning the match into an unique happening. Numbers represent my/our way to view the world, as I/we try to measure things and find correlations between them. So it is when it comes to sport performance.

By joining quantity and quality, I will try to turn this into a space to discuss one in light of the other and give my contribution to this research field. For “this reseach field”, I mean the game analysis employed by every top-team in the world nowadays, statistics as a tool to support qualitative data.

The content regarding game analysis and statistics will reflect my own insights and, curious about analytics, I will repost content on this topic.

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